Friday, June 12, 2009

Whats going on Yanks??

The Yankees are just not playing well against the red soxs this season and it worries me. I want to see the Yankees win the World Series but the Red Sox are standing in the Yankees way. The Red Sox are a good team and they are beatable. Just they are unbeatable to the Yankees because this season they have a perfect record against the Yankees winning 8 out of 8 games both at home and at the Yankee Stadium.

The Yankees better find themselves or else the championship is gone. Yestulrday the Yankees almost won but the bullpen just is playing terrible. They cant seem to help the starting rotation and that is going to hurt the Yankees in the long run.

I really want the Yankees to go all the way but I doubt they will if they can't beat boston. They are to good for the Yankees and they have to do something now and not wait until playoffs are around. But the focus is now on the Mets and the Yankees have to beat the Mets in order to actually rebound from the tough losses in boston. The Yankees need to get back on track and they have to get back on track mentally as well.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Yankees need to wake up.

0 and 7? Its amazing how the Yankees can't get at least 1 win in 7 games against Boston. Is the Red Sox that hard to beat? I think so because the Yankees have a horrible record against the Red Sox this year. The Red Sox own the Yankees right now and i cant stand to see them lose against boston. Boston is a good team no doubt about it, but the Yankees are good also and they haven't been playing well against boston. Chien-Ming Wang is not ready to become a starting pitcher yet and i think they should put in Phil Hughes because he did good yesturday except for the pitch Kevin Youkilis crushed yesturday and sent to the red sox bull pen. The Yankees need to Wake-UP!!!!!!!
They can not fall more behind in the A.L. east. They already trail the red sox one game and the Yankees can not afford to fall behind even more. The Yankees need to play good baseball before the playoffs get closer.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Not the same Yankees.

I am lucking foward for this game. Why you ask? Because its a battle for first place and its to determine who really is the team to beat in the A.L. east. Boston has been playing good against the Yankees this season but I expect a far better team than what boston saw for the past to series this season. The Yankees hit now and they field way better and the pitching has helped the Yankees lead to first place. As much as I don't like the Red Sox they are a strong team and they have my respect.
Boston better hold on tight because the red hot Yankees are coming to town and they are showing no mercy right now. Also A.J. is coming back since his suspension and With him pitching and the Yankees hitting like i saw them hit yesturday, I see another victory today. Im not saying the Yankees don't have a tough apponent right now, because against boston they always will have tough games but I expect struggles for boston because the Yankees are the team to beat right now. A-Rod is back now and Boston hasn't played him yet, and Mark Teixiera is hitting great right now, and the pitching has been playing solid.
But we have to see tonight what the Boston-Yankee rivalry really means when they will go head to head for first place. This game is going to be good.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Not fair selig!

What did A.J. Burnett do that will cause him to get suspended?? I mean yeah he threw the baseball at a batters head but it wasnt like he hit him. Plus it might of been an accident and Vincent Padilla only got a fine and he started the problem. This is not fair. He is an important role to the Yankees success and him being suspended hurts the whole organization which is unfair because he was trying to defend a teammate. This is a good way to show favoratism Commisioner Selig and its not equal punishment.
We all know the story by now and we all know that Padilla is a hard headed pitcher. Padilla doesn't listen and he doesn't know that at the same time he is giving bad examples to the fans of baseball. This was completely unfair and only fining someone who was the cause for the chaos is really just stupid. All I ask for is to lower A.J's suspension because what he did was also wrong, but suspending him and fining Padilla is beyond ridiculous.
Lets make baseball fair please? Lets make baseball the game it once use to be.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Way to go Joba!!!!!

Pitching 8 innings is hard and pitching with pesky midges flying all overn you is even harder but Joba did it and i applaud him for that. He did awsome yesturday especially when he did da spectacular play with da pop up bunt in which he dove for the ball, caught it, and than threw it back to second base where he got 2 outs. The inning started off with 2 men on base and no outs. That incredible play saved him runs and boosted him up for the rest of the game. He struck out 5 and gave up 4 hits in 8 innings which to me is pretty good. I dont know about you guys but Joba is really maturing and he is gaining my trust more and more by each start.

Joba gives the Yankees a little more breathing space in the rotation because he gives the Yankees options on who to start where. He has a great arm and he is young. He still has a lot to learn but that comes with more starts along his career. He helped the Yankees break the record and the Yankees are looking great right now. Everyone is doing well and improving as the season keeps on moving. The Yankees might not be the best team in the MLB and Joba probably isnt the best pitcher as well but both the Yankees and Joba are hard to beat. Especially now that the Yankees are on a roll.

So i commend Joba for an excellcent start and I surely think he is doing good for the Yankees as of right now.

Monday, June 1, 2009

17 marks the record

Besides the Yankees's bats waking up, the Yankees's defense has been perfect. The Yankees are on the verge of setting a new record for most games without an error. The Yankees defense has been awsome and they have been doing everything right. This is the best Yankee defense i have ever seen since the day i became a Yankee fan. Mark Texiera has surely done nothing but do great at first. Robinson Cano has been goo as well as Jeter, and A-Rod pulled off this gun out from a ball that started off fair and then bounced out of bounds, which A-Rod caught in the air and got the runner out at first.
The Yankees outfield has been great as well and i wonder why? Maybe its because none of the players in the outfield has their starting role guaranteed as of yet. I see a more fast, young, and more talented outfield for the Yankees right now and if you ask me, the Yankees have 1 of the best outfield defenses in the MLB. This all comes to a conclusion that the Yankees are trying hard and doing everything right to get wins.
The Yankees have not committed an error since Ramiro Pena booted a ground ball while playing shortstop on May 13 in Toronto. Since then, New York has handled 617 total chances in 156 1/3 innings of play, recording 469 putouts and completing 148 assists with 12 double plays. The Yankees are 13-4 during the 17-game errorless streak. Stats like these is the reason why i think the Yankees will bring a championship to New York. Because as well as say, Defense wins championships and the Yankees have defense and offense.