Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Way to go Joba!!!!!

Pitching 8 innings is hard and pitching with pesky midges flying all overn you is even harder but Joba did it and i applaud him for that. He did awsome yesturday especially when he did da spectacular play with da pop up bunt in which he dove for the ball, caught it, and than threw it back to second base where he got 2 outs. The inning started off with 2 men on base and no outs. That incredible play saved him runs and boosted him up for the rest of the game. He struck out 5 and gave up 4 hits in 8 innings which to me is pretty good. I dont know about you guys but Joba is really maturing and he is gaining my trust more and more by each start.

Joba gives the Yankees a little more breathing space in the rotation because he gives the Yankees options on who to start where. He has a great arm and he is young. He still has a lot to learn but that comes with more starts along his career. He helped the Yankees break the record and the Yankees are looking great right now. Everyone is doing well and improving as the season keeps on moving. The Yankees might not be the best team in the MLB and Joba probably isnt the best pitcher as well but both the Yankees and Joba are hard to beat. Especially now that the Yankees are on a roll.

So i commend Joba for an excellcent start and I surely think he is doing good for the Yankees as of right now.

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