Friday, June 12, 2009

Whats going on Yanks??

The Yankees are just not playing well against the red soxs this season and it worries me. I want to see the Yankees win the World Series but the Red Sox are standing in the Yankees way. The Red Sox are a good team and they are beatable. Just they are unbeatable to the Yankees because this season they have a perfect record against the Yankees winning 8 out of 8 games both at home and at the Yankee Stadium.

The Yankees better find themselves or else the championship is gone. Yestulrday the Yankees almost won but the bullpen just is playing terrible. They cant seem to help the starting rotation and that is going to hurt the Yankees in the long run.

I really want the Yankees to go all the way but I doubt they will if they can't beat boston. They are to good for the Yankees and they have to do something now and not wait until playoffs are around. But the focus is now on the Mets and the Yankees have to beat the Mets in order to actually rebound from the tough losses in boston. The Yankees need to get back on track and they have to get back on track mentally as well.

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