Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Not the same Yankees.

I am lucking foward for this game. Why you ask? Because its a battle for first place and its to determine who really is the team to beat in the A.L. east. Boston has been playing good against the Yankees this season but I expect a far better team than what boston saw for the past to series this season. The Yankees hit now and they field way better and the pitching has helped the Yankees lead to first place. As much as I don't like the Red Sox they are a strong team and they have my respect.
Boston better hold on tight because the red hot Yankees are coming to town and they are showing no mercy right now. Also A.J. is coming back since his suspension and With him pitching and the Yankees hitting like i saw them hit yesturday, I see another victory today. Im not saying the Yankees don't have a tough apponent right now, because against boston they always will have tough games but I expect struggles for boston because the Yankees are the team to beat right now. A-Rod is back now and Boston hasn't played him yet, and Mark Teixiera is hitting great right now, and the pitching has been playing solid.
But we have to see tonight what the Boston-Yankee rivalry really means when they will go head to head for first place. This game is going to be good.

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